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26 years of the Chernobyl accident: Chernobyl sarcophagus built over a billion euros!

April 26 marks 26 years since, when an explosion blew the fourth reactor at the Chernobyl nuclear power station and turned the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in different countries. “Today,” learn how life has changed “zones”. Tomorrow, in a memorable date in the exclusion zone will be installed arch of the new hermetic metal sarcophagus, which will replace a temporary emergency and have a concrete cover over the remains of the exploded reactor of the 4th (he erected an emergency rate immediately after the accident in 1986, he twice less than new, and periodically require repair). Construction of the new “armor” of radiation is estimated to be worth around one billion euros - money it gave Ukraine, many...

How to buy a nice tea and not to be trapped!

To date, the purchase of an electric kettle would be considered not difficult to buy cutlery or napkins. People lost in the sea of ​​choice, try not to hammer head, pick him up, but rather to the interior of the kitchen than for rapid and boiling water. Do not fall into the trap! Our article will help you to buy the most profitable, with no extra investment of time and money! Before you go shopping for a novelty, it is desirable to already know how much pot you need. In fact, this stage many people underestimate buying, buying a kettle, for example, the 1.5-liter woman does not always take into account the number of families, or how often to you come to visit. Highlight this moment, so you do not have to boil the kettle twice. Another important indicator is...

A box of happiness for two: a means of increasing potency and family well-being!

I once heard a phrase that was once abandoned by the famous ladies’ man: “When I became impotent, it became much easier!” And I thought: why is impotent easier? And, most importantly, what? Probably easier to become the speaker himself. After calling himself impotent, do not need to prove their worth as men. Fortunately, the vast majority of men increased potency and problems associated with it, very worried. It is known that disturbances of potency (erectile dysfunction) suffers almost half the adult male population. Sexologists, psychologists, social firmly of the opinion that in most cases, a divorce - a desperate point in a relationship where the wife is not satisfied with their sex life and can not change the situation. Well, the...

Working with Books!

The researcher must persistently master the art of literature search, the documents “chase” for the bibliographic lists, create their own annotated roster to the literature, periodicals, and documents. Probably the most sensible research will lead “thick” book for writing bibliographies of interest to his problem, not only for her, should be considered literally all the literature published in periodicals, to which the “someday” to address the need arises. You can use these to bibliographic cards, including its own production. In any case, should be worked out “guide” that allows you to find the book, article, document by different criteria - author, subject, etc. You can make cards in 2-3 copies and spread...

Women are allowed on loans overdue more likely than men!

According to analysts’ estimates, the beautiful half of humanity holds monthly payments on loans by an average of one week. Psychologists explain it more “congestion” of women. Women are nearly twice as likely as men to accept late payments on loans. These conclusions were reached FleksBank, a sociological study conducted among its customers, holders of credit cards. Financial institutions analyzed data on the activity of customers credit cards over the past six months. The results showed that women are more than 1.7 times more likely to go to the “technical delay” - that is overdue monthly payments in an average week. Learn more wigan jobs! It was found that male clients greater among those with the delay of more than seven...

Fursenko hopes to make a law on education in the State Duma in the spring session!

The new Education Act will be submitted to the Duma in the spring session and take it to a new government, said in an interview with RIA Novosti Minister of Education and Science Andrei Fursenko. The bill “On Education in the Russian Federation”, prepared by the Ministry of Education and Science, will replace the two basic law - “On Education” and “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education”, which were adopted in 1992 and 1996, respectively. It will be spelled out rules for all levels of education, including pre-school, vocational education - primary, secondary, higher and further. When asked about the availability of the document Fursenko said: “We are ready, and in the expert community is almost a...

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