What is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal, as well as her previous form hair removal, based on the principle of selective photothermolysis, that is, selective absorption of light by the target tissue. However, in contrast to the photosystems, the laser devices are strictly fixed wavelength, which determines the high selectivity of the light flux. Consequently, laser hair removal, effect on the human body chromophores (melanin, oxyhemoglobin, hemoglobin, and water) is more selective. This helps to reduce the power of the pulses during the procedure and thus reduce the impact on the surrounding hair tissue.

Laser hair removal technique based on the principle of selective action of laser radiation on the hair follicle and feed his small vessels, at the expense of melanin contained in hair and oxyhemoglobin contained in the blood vessels that feed the hair. Laser radiation penetrates to a well-defined depth (depending on the type of laser) is absorbed and well-defined target (melanin and oxyhemoglobin). The result is a selective coagulation of the hair follicle, the hair does not affect the surrounding tissue, safe and with minimal side effects.

It is important to know that in modern medicine, there are several types of laser systems used for different types of skin, hair, and the depth of their occurrence. And the correct choice of the type of laser system in each case depends on the efficiency of removal of hair.

We list the laser systems based on different sources for obtaining a laser beam: Diode, neodymium, alexandrite.
They differ in energy density, wavelength, pulse rate, and many other technical parameters. The doctor must not only determine what type of laser is right for your skin type vashomu, but find the right combination of procedure parameters - depends on the efficiency of removal of hair.

Features of some Laser hair removal systems are truly unique. All application settings are configured individually, taking into account the physiological characteristics of the client. These features improve the efficiency and comfort of laser hair removal procedure.

Modern science has tried to fame, in order to make our skin smooth, silky and pleasant to the touch. However, if you decide to get rid of unwanted hair - remember that this process begin with a consultation must be competent specialist with extensive experience in this field. Because in many cases, and medical and cosmetic problem can be solved only by using a specific method of hair removal, as must take into account a host of related individual factors. Recommended to professionals and absolve themselves of responsibility for possible failure. There are frequent cases where no medical advice in beauty salons for months without success or with varying success, to remove hair. You do not even realizing that excessive hairiness only an external manifestation of internal problems.

Note that even removing the excess hair growth using hair removal in the salon without qualified medical advice, you risk to remove the first and sometimes the only signal your body of impending trouble and miss the opportunity of timely prevention.

Expert advice will save you not only with disappointment in the effectiveness of any method and from undue costs on ineffective procedures for you, but will also help make the correct diagnosis and avoid future problems more serious than that unwanted hair.