Women are allowed on loans overdue more likely than men!

According to analysts’ estimates, the beautiful half of humanity holds monthly payments on loans by an average of one week. Psychologists explain it more “congestion” of women.

Women are nearly twice as likely as men to accept late payments on loans. These conclusions were reached FleksBank, a sociological study conducted among its customers, holders of credit cards.

Financial institutions analyzed data on the activity of customers credit cards over the past six months.

The results showed that women are more than 1.7 times more likely to go to the “technical delay” - that is overdue monthly payments in an average week. Learn more wigan jobs!

It was found that male clients greater among those with the delay of more than seven days. However, there is a gap Mezhuyev strong and beautiful half of humanity is minimal - less than 1%.
Men do not like to lose

Representatives of women’s lack of discipline of the banking market in the payment of the loan account for the lack of financial literacy.
By the way
According to statistics, men and women are equally likely to use online banking services. However, women mostly use them to pay utility bills, and men are twice as likely to pay for the online service, taxes and fines are traffic police.

Thus, according to the head of risk management FleksBanka Anna Gusakova, with completion of a credit card weaker sex just harder to calculate the time of transferring funds to the account.

“After paying the monthly minimum payment, it is important to remember that, depending on the method of making money, money, on average, are enrolled in a period of one to three business days,” - she said.

However, psychologists have a different opinion on this matter. First, men have a much greater anxiety - trait, which they themselves often interpreted as honesty and diligence, and that encourages them to act quickly, says the famous psychologist, Leonid Kitaev-Smyk.

On the other hand, the strong sex predominates aggressiveness.
“It was she who makes men burst forth,” capture “more of what is possible in life, including business and financial sphere: to move in the career and, most importantly, ahead of their opponents,” - says the expert.

In women, the same two above-mentioned qualities are to a much lesser extent, continues psychologist. Moreover, the weaker sex is much more involved in the world - both at work and at home. Such a “spray” of attention to different aspects of life and leads to “nedistsiplirovannosti” women.

“Russian women are due to the current life circumstances are forced to combine a career with the traditional family standards. It requires them to very high voltages,” - said Leonid Iseev Firstnews psychologist.