Fitness exercises at home

Recently, fitness at home is gaining popularity among men and women. Most recently, a group of experts in public opinion polls of the population figured out what kind of people involved in sports, does so without leaving home. Was set a very interesting fact: the percentage of “home” as many athletes as there are people who train in the gym. And although there is a theory that by using home exercise is almost impossible to build muscle and to engage in full force - you will be successful if there is a little time and desire.

Fitness at home is not necessary to buy a large amount of expensive sports equipment and software disc from the Olympic champions, sufficient to learn and adhere to the basic exercises and simple uncomplicated programs aimed at maintaining a beautiful figure and a healthy body weight. Many of these exercises, you know more of the lessons of physical education at school, and some of them you have already done, if you have ever visited gyms.
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Several reasons for fitness at home
Reasons why women prefer training at home a lot, one of them could be saving money. A modern fitness center - is a large complex with many gyms, massage rooms, a swimming pool, tennis court, bar, which sells protein shakes and provide a number of other high-end services. But the luxury of not permissible for everyone. Especially if it is a network of fitness centers around the country and it is quite popular - payment for a subscription in a chain is taken to the next six months, and it is not cheap!
The second reason can be attributed to the lack of time training in the gym. Generally, this applies to women with young children, or work schedule which is quite long. Then the employment prospects at home even very good - it is an opportunity to engage at any time during the day, to give the sport a lot of free time, and the prospect of experimenting.

But in the classroom and at home has its negative side. If you, for example, chose the home fitness for weight loss, the need for such activities are a great force of will, because every day you have to convince yourself of the need to do exercises with increasing load. Performing them in a gym, you just need to follow the example of others, or to buy a ticket for the next six months - a great incentive. In the fight against obesity importantly - attitude and performance of the regime, and over time you will come to the self-confidence and the desire to do it.