Writing essays.

Essays in school-related play very important. Throughout our school we learn to express their thoughts in writing, composing, to think, to dream, to develop. Writing is much more complicated oral. There are a lot of pitfalls. Need to know the rules of the Russian language: spelling, punctuation, morphology, etc.

With that in school we often do not understand why do we need it? Even remembering myself, I can say with confidence that not understand the meaning of it all. But now, it’s been 10 years since I graduated from high school, and now I can say with precision what it is actually needed.

First, the work helps to structure thought. Of all the pile of ideas and pans, which are worn in our head at a breakneck pace, we choose the information we need and present it on paper. We set the words in the right position, to complicate them, creating a participial momentum, and structuring them in a meaningful whole paragraphs. We learn as necessary to prioritize the words set out by their significance and meaning in a given context. Learn more about 123essay.

Secondly, plus everything works help us a lot to remember, that is, simply put, train your memory. Tolstoy, Lermontov, Pushkin, Gogol, and I still remember these works. No wonder we parents as a child say, “You have to write essays,” will be smarter.

The thing is that when you write an essay itself, you subconsciously automatically sets the style of his writing, which further reflected in our conversation, we remember the words of interest to us, set their values, and so on.

Summing up the above, the works can develop logical person, stylistically and emotionally. We write essays, and then develop themselves, their thinking, speech, intelligence.